Commentary and Headlines from the Top Christian News Sources

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

11-18-08 | Christians and Gays Clash in San Francisco

From World Net Daily, Sparks fly as 'gay' activist mob swarms Christians

For some reason that is beyond me, we Christians are ramping up our anti-gay agenda in California and other states, once again showing the world that Christianity is the place to be if you are angry about other people.

There is a saying amongst Christians that goes, "Hate the sin, not the sinner." If you asked these folks who were in a gay district of San Francisco, they likely would defend their behavior with this sort of nonsense. In fact, the Christians told the gay people that they loved them, thereby achieving a sort of blameless, judgmental nirvana.

The Bible tends not to rank sins except that sins against God (faithlessness and worshiping false gods, for instance) tend to be greater than sins against man. And the sins committed against another are greater than the sins committed against self.

The bottom line is this: you worry about your own personal sins until you become perfect, and then you may begin to worry about the personal sins of others. In the meantime, the primary sin of others you should concern yourself with is the sin of accepting the sacrifice of Christ. Spread the Word.