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Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Proposition 8 Video

Jack Black and friends have made an anti-Proposition 8 music video that is raising some eyebrows because it attempts to further the gay agenda by showing the Bible in an absurd light. Prancing around as Jesus with a shrimp cocktail, Black tells about "all" the things the Bible says you can and can't do, like eating shell fish is bad; selling your daughter into slavery is good, etc.

He then says that either you agree with all or you are picking and choosing.

This is not correct, of course. All of this is taken out of context and used for nothing more than to belittle Christianity for the benefit of the homosexual civil rights movement. As I have said in the past, I have no problem with gay marriage and think that, to a small extent, some Christians have brought this upon themselves by their intolerance. However, this video crosses the line and then some, by attacking many innocent Christians with a piece that has no scholarship, but very effective propaganda.

The producers and artists associated with this video should be ashamed.