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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Baha'is welcome support from Iranian intellectuals worldwide

Baha'is welcome support from Iranian intellectuals worldwide

The Baha’i International Community has issued a statement of gratitude to the Iranian intellectuals, scholars, writers, journalists, activists and artists throughout the world who signed a recent open letter apologizing for their silence during Iran’s long-running mistreatment of the Baha’is.

Baha’i is a monotheistic religion founded by Bahá'u'lláh in nineteenth-century Persia, emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind. There are an estimated five to six million Bahá'ís around the world in more than 200 countries and territories.

I'm not a huge fan of Baha'i, though it is an interesting religion which claims that most of the world's greatest religious figures, including Jesus, Krishna, Buddha and Muhammad were all anointed messengers from God. But what I am a huge fan of is religious freedom and tolerance in the Middle East, western Asia and across Africa. From Libya and Israel to Iran and practically everywhere in that large region, religious tolerance is virtually non-existent, which is the main reason that this part of the world is so constantly in turmoil.