Commentary and Headlines from the Top Christian News Sources

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Science Versus Religion

Looking at this story from the LA Times, we have a number of good perspectives of the "battle" between science and religion. For the average person of faith or disbelief, there really is no battle, but the leading public proponents of atheism and Christianity persist in perpetuating this seeming war, with leading skeptics saying things like (from the article) "The answer turns on whether one emphasizes belief or God. Science does not make belief in God obsolete, but it may make obsolete the reality of God, depending on how far we are able to push the science."

Let us make something perfectly, crystal clear. There is nothing in either cosmology or evolution science that could ever make a proof against God. We have, unfortunately, a lot of Christians who run around acting as though this is the case. We have the Intelligent Design crowd who fears evolution. We have the William Lane Craig people running amok with the cosmological argument, despite the fact that physics has moved so far beyond the Big Bang that modern physics can hardly see Craig in its rear view mirror.

I say again. Do not place Christianity in opposition to science. You do God no favors by acting as though He only exists so long as we can disprove certain theories or facts of science.


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